The student stage of life is exciting, challenging, and formative for faith. It's a key time for questioning your beliefs, for exploring faith and growing in faith.
We're passionate about supporting students through student life, and seeing them grow in knowing and loving the gospel, and living it out in every area of their lives.
Students are invited to 'The Hub' in the city centre for their first year, and are then invited into the small groups across the city, where they are cared for and discipled.
We encourage students to join one of our Sunday teams so they can grow through serving the church family, and develop relationships in the church family.
Another way to do this is to invest time in a 'gospel friendship' with someone who's not a student. Many of the church family love to spend time and invest in students in this way, praying for and with them, caring for them spiritually, and being hospitable to them.
Most of all, we want to see our students grow in love for God and others and want to support them to do this in 3 main ways:
Belonging to a Community
Welcomed into our church family and invested in
Growing in Faith
Being encouraged and challenged to live for Jesus
Engaging with Culture
Asking and discussing questions which matter
Katherin is on the Student team and would love to hear from you!
If you have any questions or would like to meet for coffee/ zoom to chat about being a student in Liverpool, just drop us an email.
Otherwise, here are the main ways you can start getting involved and settling in: