Find out more about us & ways you can get involved.
We love welcoming new people into church life to experience the church community and to grow in faith.
If you're looking for a church to settle at, or you're starting to explore faith, we'd love to meet you.
As a church we enjoy growing in knowing who God is and what he's done for us as revealed in the Bible, and expressing that through loving and serving others.
We meet on Sundays for morning and evening church services, and we meet in smaller groups across Liverpool during the week.
We meet on Sundays for morning and evening church services, and we meet in smaller groups across Liverpool during the week.
The best-starting places to get to know people are at The Hub and Welcome Lunches.
The Hub (weekly on Thursday Evenings) is for anyone new to the church, to find a community to belong to in the city centre.
Welcome Lunches happen regularly on Sundays after the morning service in people's homes. You can sign up in advance or on the day!
You should also sign up to our welcome email, to get an email a month, explaining a little about what the church is about!
You're really welcome here!
We want you to feel really welcome at Christ Church Liverpool, and find out all you need to know about Sunday Services here.
Our Morning Sunday Service starts at 10.45am with arrival from 10.30am, with evening services (from 12th January) from 6.15pm at our Church Centre, 12-14 Gildart Street, L3 8ET.
Please find more information about Sundays below!
We meet on Sunday mornings at Christian Fellowship School located at on Overbury St. Please use the button below to find CFS on Google Maps.
There is a car park where you can park for free.
When you arrive at the school a Christ Church Liverpool flag will mark the entrance and car parking stewards will direct you.
Note our evening services are held at our church centre (12-14 Gildart Street, L3 8ET)
A 'Hosting Team' welcomes everyone who comes, especially if you're new.
They will show you where to go and answer any questions you have.
The service leader will also tell you how things run, and where the toilets are.
A complete service is about 1h 15 minutes.
Services begin with a welcome, a Bible reading and then the band will lead the church music.
Song lyrics are projected onto a screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.
There' s a slot for children and then they go to Kid's groups while the service continues in the main hall for the adults.
At this point one of our church leaders will give a talk to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus that lasts about 25-30 minutes.
Sundays at Christ Church Liverpool are exciting, casual, and relaxed. So come dressed however you feel comfortable!
We believe kids should have a blast at church every single week - it's a priority for us!
Christ Church Kids is on every Sunday for 0- 11 year olds.
You’ll want to leave yourself an extra ten minutes to get signed in for the Christ Church Kids experience.
For all the details visit the Kid's Ministry page.
A stripped back service focussed around a main teaching topic.
Evening services are smaller, more relaxed and relational.
Our church survey has shown people are looking for a simple and relaxed feeling church meeting. Sunday mornings are big and busy and have to be organised - with the volume of people especially, and lots of people are also serving on teams.
Sunday evenings are a more organic church service, they're stripped back and focussed around one important topic of Christian living. It's a time for really dwelling in God’s word and connecting with people.
There's a lot more chance for chatting and getting to know others.
It's a great place to get to know people you don't get a chance to chat to on Sunday mornings.
This is ideal if you find Sunday mornings overwhelming, would like more freedom in worship, or want to make deeper connections with people.
Our Welcome email is the best place to start if you’re new!
We use the welcome email to introduce you to the people, events, and beliefs that make Christ Church what it is! You will receive 6 monthly emails, each giving you a little more information about the church and what it does, and how you can get involved.
Why not sign up!
The Hub is a place in the city centre to form friendships, talk through big issues and questions, pray, and get to know God and other people.
The evenings start with everyone meeting as a big group for food and chatting, then we go into small groups to look at the Bible, praying and more chatting!
From February, we’ll meet at our Church Centre, 12-14 Gildart Street L3 8ET, on Thursdays at 7pm for food, and start our time together at 7.30 pm.
Why not come along?
For more details, join the Whatsapp community..... Click here to join!
Although there aren’t any Welcome lunches in the very near future, keep an eye on the calendar because we'd love to see you at one of our lunches, and get to know you.
As a church, hospitality is important to us and we think spending time together over food is a great way to get to know people and to feel a part of the church family.
The lunches are hosted after the Sunday morning service at a church member’s house. If you need transport, please mention this when you sign up.
We hope to welcome you soon!
Whatsapp Communities are the main way that we as the church keep in contact with you, and keep you in the loop with social events, clubs, prayer groups and opportunities!
If you sign up, you will only receive approximately 1-2 messages per week, and are free to join/not join as many groups as you want! You can also leave at any time.
Why not sign up!
Find out a little more about what events we have coming up in the life of the church!
Whether you’re a Christian, exploring different beliefs, you're skeptical, you're of another faith or none, you’re very welcome.
There are events for everyone at CCL. Explore our website to learn more about our beliefs, what’s going on at the church, and how you can come as you are and get involved at our church.